Monthly Archives: July 2015

Timed to Perfection: My Summer Story

“For thus saith The High and Lofty One that Inhabiteth Eternity, whose name is Holy…” ~Isaiah 57:15a~

I love details. I love it when I can revel in something that’s perfect down to the last detail. I am impressed by, and appreciate the time and care that goes into, those little details.

Timing is one of those things I frequently fail in, but it is even more important than details because details tend to remain, whereas you may only have one chance at the perfect timing. And you know what? My God is a Master at both details and timing! Over the years He has won my heart in many different ways, but some of the things I love most are the details He puts into a landscape, or a sunset with the colors shifting and the breeze blowing and the aromas floating just right. Of all the important things He takes care of, and He also throws in a Masterpiece of art, just for me to enjoy! I love it!

When it comes to timing, though…He may or may not take my breath and speech away, but my heart swells with amazement and pride to realize what He just did. He, who inhabits Eternity, has impeccable timing! He will weave threads together and cause paths to cross at a certain moment in time.

There have been about three or four instances where I can see plainly that if He had not been involved, things would have turned out so differently. One was when I was at a recording studio in London and got to meet a particular actor because he just happened to have a job there at the same time. Another was when I spent an entire day agonizing over getting plane tickets, was about to make the purchase, and then had to step away for about ten minutes. When I returned, the system had restarted and the flight I was looking at had jumped in price. I discouragedly had to select another itinerary. Well, as it so happened, on one of the flights on that new itinerary, I met a dear friend, and we talked the entire flight.

Timing has not always worked out so happily. A few years ago, my grandfather passed away while I was out of town. I was so busy and distracted and immature that I forgot that family is more important–and stayed where I was. I later regretted that, and prayed God that He would never let it happen again. God used that experience, however, to turn my life steps in another direction, one which has brought great joy and many friends.

And so we come to recently. A few weeks ago, I was busy making plans to travel this summer to see some relatives and several dear friends. It was going to be a wonderful summer! Then, out of the blue, one day my parents suggested maybe I should consider not going. I was stunned. But I believe God often sends hints and nudges through our parents, so I took them seriously and prayed about it. To my disappointment, I felt like God was indeed saying I should stay home. That somehow, the timing wasn’t right. Nothing else seemed a big enough reason to not go. It has been an on and off struggle, but I have enough respect for God’s timing that, if that was the issue, I knew I had better follow Him, even though it didn’t make sense.

About two weeks ago, my grandmother went to the hospital. We call her Nana. My mother is not in the best of health, and with this added stress she needed all the help she could get. I began to see that, if I had followed through with my other plans, I wouldn’t have been able to help–I would have been gone. It is wonderful to look back and see how God was looking out for my mother all those weeks ago, and I am thankful that I listened to His leading, even though it means missing out on the fun plans I had hoped to have. Also, after what happened with my grandfather, I am so glad to be able to be here for Nana. My sister and I play music, and we went and played in her hospital room a few times.

Last Saturday afternoon, we went to play again. A few other relatives were present. We played for, oh, I don’t know how long. Songs like, “Blessed Assurance”, “Amazing Grace”, and others. As I was finishing up one piece, “The Lord Is My Shepherd”, Nana’s breathing began to halt. A moment later, she slipped away. Her thread in my life was finished.

I am awed, amazed, and so very grateful, that–once more–God timed things so perfectly. I am glad I was able to be there, that I was able to play my harp up to the moment she died. That I am able to be here for my family.

This isn’t the type of thing I was envisioning for my blog, but I wanted to share it because it is a testimony of what God has done. Truly, he is ‘More Than Wonderful!’

Oh give thanks unto the Lord; call upon his name: make known his deeds among the people.
Sing unto him, sing psalms unto him: Talk ye of all his wondrous works.
Glory ye in his holy name: let the heart of them rejoice that seek the Lord. . .
Remember his marvelous works that he hath done; his wonders, and the judgments of his mouth.  
~Psalm. 105 1-3, 5~
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